Veteran Benefits
IDVA Veterans' Service Officers are qualified benefits specialists trained to help veterans and their family gain their earned benefits. We provide counseling to individuals and their families and offer a complete referral service to provide veterans with accurate and current information on the entire range of issues associated with veterans’ benefits and entitlements.

Find a Veteran Service Officer
There are many ways to access our VSOs. 
To contact a VSO click here for VSO Lookup
Use our VSO Support Request to be contacted by a VSO. 
Use our IDVA Special Event Attendance Request to request IDVA presence at an event. 
The easiest method is by providing IDVA with basic contact information on this Stand Up and Be Counted web form; you will be contacted by your nearest VSO.
If you are a woman veteran who prefers to speak with one of our female VSOs, please click on this map of women veteran service officers. Fellow women veterans are available to help!
Our Veteran Service Offices, if desired, remain dedicated to serving your needs remotely. There are no benefits that require face to face interaction.